Seven at One Blow: The Tale of a Not-So-Heroic Hero 🧵🪡
Welcome, story lovers, to another exciting adventure on the children’s storytime podcast! This time, join us for the funny and surprising story of a little tailor who managed to trick a whole kingdom into thinking he was a great hero! 🤫✨ Sit back, get comfy, and let’s find out what happens when a little fib turns into a big adventure! 🌟

The Tailor’s Little Victory 🪡🐝
One sunny morning, a little tailor was happily sewing away in his shop, munching on a delicious slice of bread and jam. But his peaceful day was interrupted by a swarm of pesky flies buzzing around his jam! 🍞🐝 After a failed attempt to swat them away, he grabbed a broom and WHACK!—down went seven flies with a single blow! Feeling proud, the tailor embroidered a shiny belt that read, “SEVEN AT ONE BLOW!” 💥
He thought everyone should know about his “heroic” feat, so he set off down the road, proudly wearing his new belt. Little did he know, people misunderstood his story! Soon, everyone was whispering that he’d defeated seven men or even seven dragons in one blow! 🐉😲
The King’s Challenge 👑👹
The rumors reached the ears of the king, who was having trouble with two fearsome giants that were terrorizing his kingdom. He thought the little tailor would be perfect for the job! When the king promised the tailor half his kingdom if he defeated the giants, the tailor—full of confidence—agreed, saying, “Don’t forget that I’ve killed seven at one blow!” 🏰💪
A Silly Battle Between Giants 🌲⚔️
The tailor found the giants fast asleep under a huge tree. 💤 He climbed up into the branches and, with a giggle, tossed pebbles at the giants, making one think that the other was hitting them. Before long, the two giants were arguing and soon started fighting each other with all their might! 💥👊 They fought so fiercely that the ground shook beneath them, and eventually, they both knocked each other out for good! The little tailor watched from his tree, giggling at how his clever trick had worked. 😆🌳
A New Kingdom for the Tailor 🌟👑
When the little tailor returned to the palace, the king was astonished to hear that the giants were defeated. The tailor became a hero, winning half of the kingdom! All because of a little trick and his very lucky belt, which read, “SEVEN AT ONE BLOW!” 🌟
What We Learn from the Little Tailor’s Adventure 📚✨
💡 Sometimes, a little clever thinking can go a long way!😄 It’s okay to feel proud, but don’t let pride turn into a tall tale!👹 Challenges aren’t always solved with strength—sometimes a good idea is just what you need!👑 True heroes find a way, even if it’s a little… unexpected!
Don't forget to explore more enchanting children’s stories from By Kids For Kids Story time! 🎧✨
How Well Do You Remember the Tailor’s Tale? 🧠💡
Let’s see if you can recall the funniest and most surprising parts of the story!
1. What did the tailor kill with one blow?
A) Seven dragons
B) Seven flies
C) Seven giants
D) Seven trolls
2. What did the tailor make to show off his accomplishment?
A) A shiny crown
B) A new coat
C) A silver belt
D) A magic sword
3. Why did the king want the tailor’s help?
A) To sew new clothes
B) To defeat two giants
C) To build a castle
D) To find treasure
4. How did the tailor trick the giants?
A) He challenged them to a duel
B) He pretended to be a dragon
C) He threw pebbles to make them fight each other
D) He sang them a lullaby
5. What did the king promise the tailor as a reward?
A) A golden sword
B) A crown
C) Half of the kingdom
D) A sack of gold
Answers: 📝
B) Seven flies
C) A silver belt
B) To defeat two giants
C) He threw pebbles to make them fight each other
C) Half of the kingdom
We hope you enjoyed this funny and clever tale of the little tailor who made the most of his tiny victory! 🧵✨ Remember, sometimes a little wit and imagination can turn the most unlikely person into a hero! 🌟
Don't forget to explore more enchanting children’s stories from By Kids For Kids Story time! 🎧✨